„Jeśli każdy ośmiolatek na świecie będzie nauczany medytacji, wyeliminujemy przemoc na świecie w ciągu jednego pokolenia”.
Dalai Lama
Naszą misją jest wspieranie i kształcenie dzieci oraz wychowawców w rozwijaniu więzi między ciałem, umysłem i sercem. Oferujemy techniki i szkolenia, które mogą pomóc dzieciom w rozwijaniu inteligencji emocjonalnej i samoregulacji.

CPD Teacher Trainings
Every summer we provide 20h and 40h long CPD teacher training online courses for teachers. They are approved for 3 and 6 EPV days. We focus on teachers' well-being and Mindfulness Introduction courses, creative thinking, and philosophy in schools, brain-based learning, and understanding the mechanism of stress response in the context of effective learning, neurodiversity, and well-being in schools.

Well-Being at Schools Audit
After the pandemic, there is an even stronger emphasis on improving well-being in school policies and activities. Well-being is a complex topic. We focus on developing emotional intelligence, self-regulation, mind-body awareness, psycho-education, compassion, anxiety, trauma-informed practices, and building neurodiversity awareness. We will help your school to adapt to the needs of the new generations and create an environment where children and teachers can thrive.

Sound Relaxation
Children naturally connect with music and sound. It is a tool that helps them to relax but also learn about emotions and feelings they experience when listening to music. We have a variety of wonderful instruments that help children to relax deeply. They love to listen to and engage in playing. We run once of sessions or can organise few week's programme.

Creative Thinking and Philosophy
Creativity is one of many important pieces that make our life vibrant and satisfying. It is essential to children's development and well-being. Increases self-confidence, and emotional intelligence, and improves problem-solving and social skills. Creative thinking is natural to children and it should be nurtured and encouraged by teachers and parents.